Scaffolds / Work Platforms
Aerial Work Platforms
Work Performed in Snorkel Boom Aerial Lifts
Note: Inspect all equipment prior to use.
Policy: Employee will wear full body harness, with 6’ 0” shock absorbing lanyard attached to designated tie off point established by aerial lift manufacturer instructions. Ensure employee must have a current aerial lift training card to operate equipment. Take a moment to read OSHA Aerial Lift Safety Tips
Refer to 29 CFR 1926 Sub Part L -Aerial Lifts

Frame Scaffolding
Ensure scaffold users are adequately trained and are aware of any job specific hazards. Have employees review info in this section prior to working on scaffolding. (see OSHA scaffold link below) Employees must have a current scaffold user training card to use scaffolding. Tying off to a scaffold can only be done in accordance to 1926.502(d)(15)
Identify competent person to inspect scaffolding daily.
Competent Person: One who can identify hazardous working conditions and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
Competent person to inspect scaffolding daily utilizing inspection checklist. Fix or Red tag any unsafe scaffolding as required. Daily Scaffold Inspection Checklist
Scaffolding is to be used only by Fred Shearer & Sons, Inc. employees, unless an arrangement has been made by other contractor and Fred Shearer and Sons, Inc. project manager. Another contractor may only use scaffolding after a “Scaffold use Agreement” has been completed.
Refer to the Oregon OSHA Supported Scaffold Guide
Suspension Scaffolds
Prior to using scaffolding each employee is to be trained by manufacturers or erectors training officer.
Scaffolding is to be erected by authorized erector.
Review information in this section prior to use.
Scaffolding is only to be altered by authorized erector.
In addition incorporate items in Frame Scaffolding for use with suspension scaffold.