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Hierarchy of Fall Protection

Before starting your Fall Protection Plan, note that there is a Hierarchy of Fall Protection that should be considered as you make a plan.


First: Eliminate the Hazard

The preferred solution is to eliminate the exposure to a fall hazard by using some mechanical means to allow the job to be done without exposure to a fall.

Second: Use Passive Fall Protection

Physical barriers, like guardrails around unprotected edges and covers over holes should be used before employing any other fall protection methods. Remember, fall protection is required at any height for holes, skylights, or over dangerous equipment.  (See section 2 guardrails)

Third: Fall Restraint Systems


Fall restraint prevents the user from falling any distance.  (See section 5 for specific information about fall restraint.)

Forth: Fall Arrest Systems


Using personal protective equipment to arrest a fall within acceptable force and clearance margins is the next level of protection. (See section 6 for specific information about force and clearance}

Fifth: Administrative Controls

This is the least preferred fall protection solution and should only be employed if no other form of conventional fall protection is “feasible” or “possible”. Note that there are almost NO situations where a conventional fall protection system cannot be used.

Fred Shearer and Sons 2018

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